rock solid
At Lowest Host, whether you are hosting a basic website, blog, online community, or a store processing hundreds of transactions a day. Your website should be running efficiently ensuring you can spend more time promoting your site, and less time stressing over slow and or unreliable web hosting. Whether it's our server support staff who are available 24/7 ensuring the servers are balanced, or our dedicated Operations manager who ensures our technology is the fastest and most reliable at the best price point, or our support staff that ensures all supported issues are resolved in a prompt manner, we also work tirelessly to ensure your web site is the last thing you'll ever worry about.
General Features Starter Plan Advanced Plan Professional Plan
Disk Space 500MB 1000MB 5000MB
Bandwidth 10GB 50GB 100GB
Control Panel Yes Yes Yes
Add-On Domains 1 4 10
Setup Fee $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Monthly Pricing $3.99 $6.99 $11.99
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Email Features Starter Plan Advanced Plan Professional Plan
POP3 Accounts Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Web Mail Yes Yes Yes
E-Mail Alias Yes Yes Yes
Auto Responders Yes Yes Yes
Mailing Lists Yes Yes Yes
Spam Assassin Yes Yes Yes
Catch All Bin Yes Yes Yes
Mail Forwarding Yes Yes Yes
IMAP Support Yes Yes Yes
SMTP Yes Yes Yes
Monthly Pricing $3.99 $6.99 $11.99
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Control Panel Features Starter Plan Advanced Plan Professional Plan
Control Panel Demo Demo Demo Demo
Fantastico 1-click Installer Yes Yes Yes
Hotlink Protection Yes Yes Yes
Custom Error Pages Yes Yes Yes
URL Redirects Yes Yes Yes
Password Protected Directories Yes Yes Yes
File Manager Yes Yes Yes
FTP Manager Yes Yes Yes
Database Wizard Yes Yes Yes
Monthly Pricing $3.99 $6.99 $11.99
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Supported Features Starter Plan Advanced Plan Professional Plan
MySQL Databases Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
CGI Yes Yes Yes
PHP 5 Yes Yes Yes
Ruby on Rails Yes Yes Yes
Perl Yes Yes Yes
Python Yes Yes Yes
Cron Jobs Yes Yes Yes
XEN Site Builder Yes Yes Yes
Curl Yes Yes Yes
GD Yes Yes Yes
Image Magick Yes Yes Yes
Monthly Pricing $3.99 $6.99 $11.99
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